产品特点 |
各种绷帮后的皮鞋、皮带等皮革、橡胶制品的表面烫平除皱工艺。 功能:以强力的蒸汽喷洒软化帮面,用强热风干燥,借助压辊反复滚压,以消除帮面上的皱纹,使之平整、光滑。 ?改进型独特装置自动控制蒸汽进水,防止损坏制热系统。 ?不仅可提高产品的外观质量,并且其内在质量不受影响。 产品说明:
used for the smoothing and wrinkle chasing of surface of fabricated rubber products or leather like leather shoes, leather belts after lasting. function: softening the vamp by spraying strong steam and then drying with strong hot air; at last eliminating the wrinkle on the vamp by repeatedly pressing with roller and getting a flattening and smooth effect. ?improved unique device of automatically-controlled steam influent to avoid damage to heating system. ?improving visual appearance of products and keeping their internal quality intact.
技术参数 |
电源电压:ac380v 50hz 总功率:8.4kw 工作温度:150-400度 蒸汽适度:75%-95% 外形尺寸:0.5x0.49x1.6m(长/宽/高) |
适用场地:鞋厂、真皮大底厂、箱包厂、体育用品厂、鞋跟厂 |
联系方式 |
联系地址:温州市瓯海区 联系电话: 传真号码:057789736980 腾讯 阿里旺旺:wzcfjxsb |